Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Even after everything I've been through I still am able to trust people.  More than I should most times.  This has been proven time and time again.  I forgive and tend to forget and people enjoy taking advantage of that I guess.  I've recently cut people out of my life for the very fact that they take advantage of my trust.  I dont try to have many friends because I just really do not like most people.  I have a fe select mom friends and thats that.
On another note my little mans food allergies are mostly under control.  We've cut cows milk from big brothers diet as well as his.  That way theres never a chance of cross contamination.  The only allergy that seems to pop up a lot is when bread is made with milk sources.  Then he'll get the same eczema spot on his little face or a buttrash from the depths!  Its hard on him but we are really trying to perfect the perfect food pyramid for him.  It includes lots of berries, meats, and wheat bread.  Most cereals and lots of other fruits as well.
I never really realized how much fun being a mom could be until I let go of the stresses involved and learned to just have fun.  I find myself needing a reminder once in a while to just laugh.  No matter what the situation I need to let go and laugh before reacting.  Well unless there is blood involved. Then I panic :) its been a while since I've taken the time to update and I might just need to get back into it.